Mayor’s Office
On April 9, 2024, the Board of Trustees held a Public Hearing and were presented with the 2024/2025 Village
Budget. Highlights of the Hearing included updates on our Sanitary Sewer Project, Capital Equipment
Replacement, Griffith and Wrazen Park improvements and anticipated revenue in the upcoming
fiscal year.
Over the last several months, our engineer had submitted final design plans to the DEC and EFC
for approval. We completed a Request for Proposals and numerous vendors submitted bids. The
contract was awarded to National Water Main and just this week, they have begun cleaning and
televising our sanitary system where needed. The complete project is scheduled to be 100%
completed by June, 2025.
The Village has developed and implemented a long-term capital equipment replacement schedule over the last
eight years. Strategic planning enables us to provide our Highway and Fire Departments with the equipment they
need to deliver invaluable service to our residents.
In October of 2021, we ordered a new fire truck and two new plow trucks, to replace twenty-year-old vehicles. The
new fire truck was placed into service in 2023 and after numerous delays, both plow chassis have been delivered
to Peterbilt on Walden. They are now awaiting customization from Valley Fab and should be in service by winter.
The new plows are four-wheel drives, allowing our drivers to get through heavier snow then before.
Wrazen Park, through the use of Community Development Block grants, has received brand-new playground
equipment this spring. If you have a chance, stop in with your children and grandchildren to experience this state-
of-the-art, ADA accessible playground. Griffith Park, in addition to the upgraded sports courts, will have new
bathrooms installed in the splashpad shelter in the fall of 2024. Assemblywoman Monica Wallace has been
instrumental in providing funding for these costly, but must needed, capital improvements. With a generous
donation from Our Soup Committee, we will have a toddler play area available in the splashpad this summer, with
several play cottages, grills, table, car wash station and more.
This year’s budget, as adopted, sees a small increase in the tax rate, from $6.27 to $6.38 per one-thousand dollars
of assessed valuation. The amount of tax levy (the total amount to be collected) is $1,283,832, an increase of
$27,675. Most homes in the Village will see an increase in their payment due of between $10 to $25.00. While
costs of services such as garbage collection and sewer treatment have increased, our anticipated revenue has
also. Sales tax and cell tower lease revenue have gone up and help to offset increases in services, insurance,
utilities, and wages.
If you don’t have a mortgage, you will be receiving your tax bill the first week of June. Payments are due without
penalty by July 1, 2024. They can be paid by cash or check only, at the Sloan Municipal Building, 425 Reiman
Street. We do not accept credit or debit payments. Payments not received by the due date will incur a late penalty
that increases every month. Last day to accept payment by our office will be October 31, 2024.
Lastly, the Griffith Splashpad will be opening in late June and the Summer Concert Series kicks off on June 27th
with our returning favorite “Crash Cadillac”. Hope to see you there!
From the desk of Mayor Thomas Ferrucci